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  • Win public grants, accelerate your business, and realize your vision

    ​Expert grant writing consulting and services 

    to help fund your innovative R&D and marketing projects.
  • A new source to learn about grant writing


    Helping new entrepreneurs write grant applications and win grants, one step at a time! 

What stage of business are you in?

If you are looking for grant writing support, then have a look at the stages below, identify where your company or project is at and follow the instructions.

Established Business

Your company is established, working on a new innovative project and has funding sources such as revenue and/or investment.

Startup Ready to Grow

Your company is a startup with a prototype/MVP and has secured some funding.

Startup in the Idea Stage

Your project is still in the idea stage, prototype development is ongoing and little or no funding has been secured.


Our average success rate for Technology Development Fund applications in 2023.


Won in grant funding for our clients
(not including tax incentives)


Grant applications written.

This is what our clients say

Work with us

We are a group of experts with decades of experience in winning public grants and tax refunds for innovative R&D and marketing projects.

Our clients include:

For queries, get in touch!

Have questions or aren't sure if we are a good match to work with you on your grant application?
Not a problem. Get in touch and we'll get back to you within 48 hours.